
I met Mrs. Stacey Harris-Griffin in 2013 through my cousin. I was one of her many teachers to pass through the doors of the Teach Foundation. When I tell you that Stacey is serious about educating students, I mean just that. She does not do anything subpar. She loves those children just like her own. She is "Momma Stacey" and your child will be well taken care of in her hands. There is no such thing as "failure", or "I can't do it". You are going to have to prove it to her. When you're done, you will have forgotten that you couldn't do it. I'm so proud of the tenacity that she has to continue to keep the school open to so, for the children that need her services. To. know her is to love her. She is my family (I found that out years later.), and I personally recommend anyone that needs tutorial services or homeschooling to come to Teach Foundation. If the foundation is off, it won't be for long. Teach Foundation- Where Kids Definitely Come First- The only way is Mrs. Stacey Harris-Griffin's Way!!! Best of Blessings

Tametha Reaves


Awesome!! This young lady works wonders with her students, when my great grandson started at Teach Foundation-Tutoring, during the summer he could not read within two weeks he was reading and putting words together, when we would go to McDonald’s he would look at the signs and read the words, Jeremih is going to the third grade but thanks to Mrs Stacey Harris-Griffin he is reading on a fifth grade level, if your child is having problems she is the one that you need. Thank you so much, may God continue to bless you, for your caring about our children.

Faye Ellis 


Teach Foundation provided an Avenue for our family at a time in our life where we had reached the end of the road and had no where to turn. Mrs. Stacey not only provided a safety net for our child but reassured our family that everything was going to be fine. We are thankful for the time spent that eventually led to graduation from Abeka which was attended by Teach Foundation in Pensacola, Fl. Additionally we have sent other children from our family for summer enrichment activities and the bar is set high inside and outside of the classroom. You can’t go wrong by making the right choice about Teach Foundation, you certainly can’t find the dedication and tenacity offered anywhere else.
Vanessa J


Mrs. Stacey Harris-Griffin is a, wonderful Teacher. She taught my son  How to Read, to do Math, to read maps. Unscramble words and counting money.  She has done wonders with him despite the fact his has a disability.  With the love of good teachers they can go  far.

Rechell Martin 


Teach Foundation-Tutoring was a God send for me and my son. My son was diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADHD, and ODD. It was always a struggle for him in school. I found that Mrs Griffin was very passionate and patient with him. He needed more one on one time with learning and her curriculum was just what he needed. She was able to identify his gaps in learning and helped him to fill in the blanks. It is a very intimate setting with a hand full of kids at various learning stages. If your looking for more one on one for your child, this is the place to be. Thank you for all of your time and patience .

Yolanda Davis